Mark Steyn in
"Can Obama hold Teddy's seat?" summarizes as well as can be done the miscalculation of BHO and the "educated class."
All of my lefty friends should read this summary and take to heart it's facts!
The heart of BHO/Dem's problem:
"...Once upon a time, Barack
Obama, in the words of
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas, was "standing above the country, above the world, he's sort of God." Seeking to explain why the God of Hope had fallen farther faster than any modern president,
David Brooks of the
New York Times argued that the tea-party movement had declared war on "the educated class." He seemed to think this was some sort of inverted snobbery: If "the educated class" is for it – "health" "care" "reform," cap-and-trade, Miranda rights for terrorists –
Joe Six-Pack and his fellow knuckledragging morons are reflexively opposed to it.
This almost exactly inverts what really happened over this past year.
"The educated class" turned out to be not that educated – if, by "educated," you mean knowing stuff. They were dazzled by Obama: My former National Review colleague
Christopher Buckley wrote cooing paeans to his “first-class intellect” and “temperament.” I used to joke that “temperament” was for the Obammysoxers of “the educated class” what hair was to Tiger Beat reporters. But you don't really need analogies. As David Brooks noted after his first meeting with Obama, "I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant, and I'm thinking, a) he's going to be president and b) he'll be a very good president." And once you raised your eyes above pant level it only got better: "Our national oratorical superhero," gushed New York magazine, "a honey-tongued Frankenfusion of Lincoln, Gandhi, Cicero, Jesus, and all our most cherished national acronyms (MLK,
Where'd that guy go? "People once thought Obama could sound eloquent reading the phone book," wrote
Michael Gerson in The
Washington Post last week. "Now, whatever the topic, it often sounds as though he is.""
Read the column and enjoy the quality of writing, intellect and humor!
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