POLLIWOG (Tadpole): the early stage of an animal that will eventually become a frog, hoping to be kissed by a princess, turning into a prince! POLIBLOG (Political Blog): the early stage of a center-right political blog that may eventually become a full blown blog of the center-right. Join in if you find any merit in the comments. If you are on the left and disagree, feel free to straighten me out! Who knows, with effort from all of us this blog may turn into a prince!

Location: San Diego, California, United States

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I don't know about you, but the below item from WSJ Best of the Web, 7/30/2008, makes me REAL nervous! Seems it is kind of like letting the California DMV take care of the upkeep of your automobile!

"Great Moments in Socialized Medicine

Oregon is, according to an editorial in the Oregonian newspaper, "the only state that both allows assisted suicide and tries to ration health care." This embarrassed the state when 64-year-old Barbara Wagner got sick with lung cancer and the state essentially said to her, Have you considered suicide, lady?:

After her oncologist prescribed a cancer drug that would cost $4,000 a month, the newspaper reported, "Wagner was notified that the Oregon Health Plan wouldn't cover the treatment, but that it would cover palliative, or comfort, care, including, if she chose, doctor-assisted suicide."

The Oregonian editorial explains that the decision to deny coverage for the drug was based on a policy of disapproving payment "for treatment that doesn't provide at least a 5 percent chance of survival after five years." The paper does not fault the state for this decision:

In Wagner's case, administrators of the Oregon Health Plan had to make a difficult call. But that's what they do every day in performing the tough, thankless job of rationing government-paid health care to the needy.

What's unacceptable, however, is that Wagner's rejection letter included the offer of payment for doctor-assisted death. Such notification creates at least the appearance of an ethical conflict: state encouragement of dying as a cost-saving measure.

The editorial notes that, the rejection of the $4,000-a-month drug notwithstanding, taxpayers have "paid thousands of dollars over the years for Wagner's cancer care, and . . . will continue to do so."

Unless, of course, she chooses suicide instead--an option that would still be open to her whether the state made the point explicitly or not. The Oregonian is troubled by the "appearance of an ethical conflict" when the state spells out the offer, but it seems not to mind the actual ethical conflict posed by the underlying assisted-suicide policy."

All you socialized medicine fans take note!


Friday, July 11, 2008


Hat Tip to Hugh Hewitt, 7/11/08


Wednesday, July 09, 2008


The Houston Chronicle has done a great service by publishing the salaries and overtime pay of all city employees. Eyeopening to say the least!

These run away salaries, which have no controls on them - why would a manager want to control his employees salaries when the more they get the more he gets! - and there is no profit control! - will doom our country if we don't wake up!

See if you can get this data for your city. If this is the level of problem at a city, what do you think the County, State and Federal employees are "stealing" from us through our excessive taxes?

Note the police sargeant who received $95,000+ in overtime!


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"We Can Lower Oil Prices Now"

Martin Feldstein in todays WSJ explains why taking action on the supply side of oil - note the word "action", not immediate oil availability, but just "action" towards future increases in supply - will IMMEDIATELY lower the price of oil.

I suggest you read the article slowly, three times, to fully absorb the economics - it reminded me of the texts I used to suffer through obtaining an Economics degree - so you understand how the pricing of commodities work. Oil will not be the only problem with the rapid growth in China, India and elsewhere!
