"In other words, the economic group that is most pro-Obama consists of those who make their living, directly or indirectly, off government. To some extent, this group's interests are at odds with those of Republican-leaning private-sector workers. But only to some extent. When government gets so big and intrusive that it suppresses economic growth, it hurts the public sector too. The worst thing a parasite can do is to kill its host." (my emphasis)
James Taranto in WSJ Best of the Web Today reacts to Thomas Edsall's analysis of Obama's supporters. The last sentence is what Obama and his followers do not realize - unintended consequences! They will soon!
James Taranto in WSJ Best of the Web Today reacts to Thomas Edsall's analysis of Obama's supporters. The last sentence is what Obama and his followers do not realize - unintended consequences! They will soon!