- "We got a chuckle during PBS's "NewsHour" Friday when Mark Shields, asked about Sam Alito's prospects for confirmation, invoked a famous politician (now in prison for racketeering) to say it was a sure thing: "Gov. Edwin Edwards of Louisiana once said he wouldn't lose an election unless he got caught with a live boy or a dead woman in a compromising position."
Actually, that's a bit of a misquote. What Edwards actually said, while running for re-election in 1983, was: "The only thing that would keep me from winning the election is to be caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy."
We guess we can understand why Shields would change "in bed" to "in a compromising position." After all, PBS's viewers tend to be old and stodgy and may not cotton to Edwards's sexually explicit talk.
But why did he change "girl" to "woman"? This is an obvious sop to politically correct feminism, which abominates the word girl and insists that all female human beings must be called "women," or, if they're underage, "pre-women." (Unborn baby girls, however, are not "pre-pre-women," they are just clumps of tissue.)
OK, so why then did Shields say "boy" rather than change it to "man"? Because he didn't want to offend the gays by suggesting that there's something wrong with being caught with a live man.
Maybe Shields should have just said, ". . . unless he got caught with a live person or a dead person in a compromising position." (my emphasis)
Just be aware this goes on all day, every day with every left MSM organization in the hopes of changing the society. Accuracy - and often Truth - do not count any longer!