Social Security Facts - #8:
It has become clear to me that until you understand clearly that there is no money and there is no trust fund, it is going to be very difficult to understand Social Security or any proposals that are brought to our attention, including mine!
I suggest that people analyze the Social Security from the outside, instead of getting into the inside detail. "China buys Treasury Bonds, therefore, the Social Security Trust Fund buying Treasury Bonds is the same - an investment with a return." "Corporate Bonds are sold every day to people who want an investment with a return." Why is the Social Security Trust Fund different?
Let's get inside the system to understand the truth:
1. When China buys Treasury Bonds they buy them with excess funds they have and feel because our country is a solid investment, know that they will be able to redeem them with a reasonable return. The Government takes this money and spends it, reflecting a debt on the books which will be paid out of future income (taxes).
2. When Social Security buys Treasury Bonds NO MONEY CHANGES HANDS. We are Social Security! We are the Government! Our taxes are simply called a "Treasury Bond" to mislead us into thinking it is an asset. (We do not show them as a debt because of this!).
A look at Corporate Bonds is also instructive:
1. Corporate Bonds are sold to Investors when corportions require extra cash and are redeemable over a period of time at an attractive rate from the profits of the company. Very similar situation to China buying Treasury Bonds.
2. Would it make sense for the Corporation who periodically issues Corporate Bonds to set up an office - "Corporate Security" - take the profits through this office as they come in - issue itself a Corporate Bond with a return - to be paid out of future Corporate profits? And refer to it as an asset?
Please think about it and comment. It is important to "follow the money!"