POLLIWOG (Tadpole): the early stage of an animal that will eventually become a frog, hoping to be kissed by a princess, turning into a prince! POLIBLOG (Political Blog): the early stage of a center-right political blog that may eventually become a full blown blog of the center-right. Join in if you find any merit in the comments. If you are on the left and disagree, feel free to straighten me out! Who knows, with effort from all of us this blog may turn into a prince!

Location: San Diego, California, United States

Friday, April 15, 2005

"Filibuster myth-busters"

Wendy Long, an activist with the Judicial Confirmation Network, gives clarity here to the Republican stand on the Democratic judicial filibusters.

W's nominees should get an up-or-down vote and we should all stay well informed on this battle so our Senator's can be properly rewarded or punished in 2006! A quick read!


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